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Unemployed youth to be skilled workforce

About 1.5 million young men and women in rural areas are looking for employment, but in vain, according to a survey of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).

This is a significant number in terms of economy and labour force as it can add significant value to the national economy. This section of unemployed people suffers from frustration, feeling that they are economic burden on their families. It is also a big economic loss to the national economy.

It is positive that these young men and women are determined to get rid of the curse of unemployment. If they persevere, they will find employment opportunities in future.

The main problem is, according to the BBS survey, that some 6.2 million people in the rural areas do not work and do not want to work. They have neither education nor any training. Most of them are young men and women.

As they have no education and training, it is very difficult to turn them into a skilled workforce. This section of people economically depends on their families. There are high risks that these young men and women may turn to drugs and crime.

According to BBS, the number of unemployed people in the rural areas is nearly 7.7 million. A study should be carried out to know the impact of this huge number of unemployed people.

Even without any study, it can be seen that such widespread unemployment leads to torture on women for dowry, physical and sexual assault on them.

With the expansion of information technology, the cyber harassment against women is increasing. This too is linked to unemployment.

A large section of the rural workforce remains unutilised. It means that our national development is failing to create employment opportunities.

The scope of work is shrinking in the agriculture sector as new technologies and machinery are being used. The scope will shrink further in future.

Unemployment is a big problem in the city as well as in the rural areas. The rate of unemployment among the educated and higher educated people is increasing alarmingly. But the scenario of local and foreign investment and employment opportunities is disappointing. Our population is increasing. Around 2 million people are being added to our population every year. So it is a big challenge to utilise the adequate workforce. It is necessary to turn young men and women in rural areas into skilled workforce.

The demand of skilled workforce is also increasing in overseas labour market. It is now essential to create more employment opportunities in the service sector.