Doing away with menstrual taboos

There should be no taboos attached to menstruation

It was International Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28 May. Menstrual Hygiene Day is known to be a global advocacy platform which tries to bring together the thoughts and voices of individuals, nonprofit organisations, government agencies and the media to promote good menstrual health and hygiene in general for all girls and women out there. Even with awareness being at an all-time high for the current generation, the concept of taboo is still persistent.

Our generation are way more aware about menstrual hygiene than before but in some parts people still don’t consider this matter as an important part of their life because of lack of education in this regard and taboos which accompany it. Menstrual Hygiene Day was started with the vision to promote awareness regarding this issue and to remove all taboos regarding this whatsoever with keeping other things in mind like ensuring proper supply of sanitary products to help girls and women have better health so they can reach their full potential.

In our society menstruation was always seemed a taboo specifically from a male perspective. As a result woman feel hesitant in opening up about these issues. Currently more girls and women are opening up about the problems they face which allows for a healthier communication regarding this topic. Now people are treating it like a normal part of anatomy rather than considering it as a problem. But still this issue is not completely resolved and we need to raise more awareness in this regard.

Men and women, boys and girls are to work together now to make sure that no women and girl in any part of the world would consider this as a problem. Menstruation is a natural process. It is her pride. It is a celebration of womanhood. It’s a journey. Our goal should be educating people to assist them in this journey so that no women or girl has to suffer on their own so that they can always find someone to talk to and can take care of their personal hygiene.

Though our generation has become much more aware of the menstruation cycle and personal hygiene some problems are yet to be solved. First of all no women or girls should not feel hesitant or tensed that they are going through this phase. This has to be normalized. A woman should embrace it as a journey of womanhood and take pride in it. Not embarrassed. Menstruation cycle is a natural process thus it has to be normalized a girl should never feel ashamed to buy pads from any medical store. Putting a normal footing on this should be our first priority.

Then the environment should also be taken under consideration. An average menstrual pad takes 500-800 years to degrade which is a really long time. Measures should be taken to create pads out of more degradable substance without losing quality and comfort of the user. And last but not least sanitary pads are to be made more available. No girl or women should have to suffer poor hygiene due to unavailability of sanitary pads. There should be increased production and distribution.

All said and done, menstruation cycle is an essential part of the female anatomy. Women and girls should take proper care of themselves and follow proper hygiene rules whilst their menstrual cycle continues. And men and boys instead of pitying them should understand them comfort them and assist them in their journey. Women and girls should not be pushed away instead comforted and properly assisted during this time.

* Shuparno Rahman is a student of Class 10 at RAJUK Uttara Model College. He may be contacted at [email protected]