A common iora (fatik jal) perched on a branch of a jujube (boroi) tree. Photo taken from Gollamari area in Khulna on 11 December.Saddam Hossain
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A farmer returns home with harvested sheaves of Aman paddy on his shoulders. Photo taken from Nilgaon area in Sylhet on 11 December.Anis Mahmud
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Farmers in the haor regions are now busy sowing the Boro rice crop. A farmer irrigates the Boro seedbed. Photo taken from Uftar Haor in Sylhet on 11 December.Anis Mahmud
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Since the water level in haors has receded, a pair of men walks along the waterline looking for a suitable spot for fishing. Photo taken from Uftar Haor on 11 December.Anis Mahmud
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A roadside body of water filled with a host of red water lilies. Photo taken from Unaisar area in Cumilla on 11 December.M Sadek