Obaidul blasts AL leaders engaged in 'self-publicity'

Communications Minister Obaidul Quader on Thursday accused a section of Awami League leaders of using the occasion of the National Mourning Day as the means of their 'self-publicity'.

"Billboards with images have flooded AL offices, the Secretariat and every intersection of the streets. On the billboards, the images of Bangabandhu are smaller than that of those who have sponsored those," he said addressing a discussion meeting at the Secretariat.

"Why are your images larger than that of Bangabandhu?" he questioned adding, "There's boastfulness in your self-publicity. And there's no love in your hearts. You aren't Bangabandhu's soldiers." 

Terming such leaders as 'hybrid leaders', Quader said, "The country has been flooded with petty leaders. Even if the there’s no bountiful production of crops every year, there’ll be a bumper production of such leaders in the country."

The minister also urged BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia not to cut her birthday cake on August 15.

The discussion meeting was organised by Sochibalaya Karmakarta-Karmachari Oikya Parishad.