Arafat Sunny secures bail

Arafat Sunny
Arafat Sunny

A Dhaka court on Wednesday granted an interim bail to national cricketer Arafat Sunny in connection with a dowry case filed by the woman who claims to be his wife.

Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md Nur Nabi passed the order.

Earlier, Sunny surrendered before the court following an order and sought bail.

Nasrin Sultana, who filed another case on ICT act, filed the case against Sunny and his mother with the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate on charge of demanding Tk 20 lakh as dowry on January 23.

After recording statement of Nasrin, Dhaka metropolitan magistrate Md Raihanul Islam exempted Sunny’s mother Nargis Akter from the charges and asked Sunny to appear before the court on 5 April.

According to the case statement, Arafat Sunny got married to Nasrin Sultana on 4 December 2014 with an endowment of Tk 0.51 million and since then they used to live at the house of Nasrin’s sister in Katasur as a couple.

On 29 July 2015, Sunny and his mother demanded Tk 2 million as dowry from Nasrin and asked her to bring the money from her father. As Nasrin refused to bring the money Sunny left her, she claimed.

Besides, she alleged, Sunny threatened her to publish their personal photographs if she fails to provide the dowry money on 23 December 2016.

Later, Nasrin lodged a general diary with the local police station on 25 December 2016.