27 BGB platoons deployed in Dhaka, adjoining districts

Twenty-seven platoons of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) have been deployed in Dhaka and adjoining districts

Twenty-seven platoons of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) have been deployed in Dhaka and adjoining districts to maintain law and order situation as the 48-hour countrywide blockade called by the BNP, Jamaat and likeminded opposition parties began this morning.

Shariful Islam, public relations officer (PRO) at BGB headquarters, confirmed the development this morning, saying that 10 more platoons of the paramilitary forces have been kept standby to face any situation.

Like the first spell of the blockade, the members of the frontier battalion have been performing their duties alongside police, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and Ansar to ensure public safety and security in Dhaka and other parts of the country.

After the three-day countrywide blockade, another road, rail and waterways blockade for 48 hours called by BNP, Jamaat and like-minded opposition parties began across the country this morning.

The blockade started at 6:00am today and will end at 6:00am on Tuesday.

The number of private and public transports on the road is more compared to the three-day blockade last week.