Paxovir reduces risk of death and hospitalisation by 89pc: Experts

Eskayef Pharmaceuticals Limited, one of the leading drug manufacturing companies, organised this highbred CME 'Antivirals for Covid-19' at Eskayef operational headquarters at Banani on Saturday.Prothom Alo

Oral use of Paxovir for treatment of coronavirus reduces risks of death and hospitalisation by 89 per cent, experts have said.

They said the severity of the infection of the virus decreases if this medicine is given to a patient suffering from mild to moderate symptoms.

The experts, however, said it caution is required in determining the dose and use of Paxovir. The medicine can be a game changer in treating coronavirus patients.

Renowned physicians, government high officials and health experts made these remarks participating in Continued Medical Education (CME) on anti-viral medicine for corona.

Eskayef Pharmaceuticals Limited, one of the leading drug manufacturing companies, organised this hybrid CME 'Antivirals for Covid-19' at Eskayef operational headquarters at Banani on Saturday. Physicians from 30 countries joined.

About 3,000 physicians from 42 medical institutions including 34 medical colleges of the country also joined CME online.

The US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in the last week of 2021 approved Pfizer's combination drugs in the form of nirmatrelvir and retonavir tablets for emergency use. On 30 December, the Directorate General of Drug Administration approved this combination drug, Paxovir for emergency use. Eskayef has brought Paxovir to the market. This tablet has been given approval for mild to medium symptoms of coronavirus in adults and children of 12 years and above.

Director, Non-Communicable Disease Control, Directorate General Health Services, Md Robed Amin, presented the keynote paper at the CME.

He said it would be better if a corona patient is given Paxovir within three days of infection. Paxovir lessens the severity of infection. Paxovir has appeared as a lifesaving drug during the new variant of coronavirus, he added.

DGHS former director general professor MA Foyez said there is little possibility of hospitalisation if a patient of mild to medium symptoms of coronavirus is given Paxovir.

He said a quick and effective drug is required at the primary stage to fight and defeat the virus like corona. It is positive that Paxovir is available in Bangladesh.

Professor Nazmul Islam, director at Communicable Disease Control of DGHS, hoped Paxovir played role in reducing deaths from coronavirus in the country.

He said it is time befitting decision bringing Paxovir in Bangladesh market so quickly. However, it should be taken care that this medicine is not misused and overused, he added.

Former chairman of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)'s medicine department, Professor MA Jalil said the medicine coming during the corona pandemic is being considered as game changer. Time will say how much these drugs would be effective in the appearance of any new variant of coronavirus.

Eskayef has brought three drugs to the market for coronavirus treatment within a short span of time. The two drugs to treat coronavirus previously introduced to the market by Eskayef were Remdesivir and Monuvir.

Dhaka Medical College professor Titu Mia said Eskayef is playing pioneering role in bringing antiviral medicine to tackle corona.

He said the condition becomes less complex if the severity of virus is reduced. Those who are at high risk, fear of their deaths can be reduced if they are given Paxovir.

Head of Rajshahi Medical College's medicine department Professor Khalilur Rahman said different medicines for corona treatment are being misused and overused in the counry.

Physicians have to be cautious in prescribing drugs like Paxovir.

Head of Chattogram Medical College's medicine department MA Hasan said Paxovir is an epoch making medicine for patients with mild to moderate symptoms.

Head of Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College's medicine department Professor GKM Shahiduzzaman said the end of corona pandemic may begin through Paxovir.

He said use of Paxovir for treatment of coronavirus reduces risks of death and hospitalisation by 89 per cent. This drug may bring about massive change in the treatment of corona.

Former head of Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College's medicine department Professor Ismail Patwary thinks it is urgent to determine the type of patient for which Paxovir will be used.

He said Paxovir would be lifesaving for those who are above 60 and have other long terms comorbidity.

Eskayef marketing and sales department executive director Mujahidul Islam said Eskayef has come up in various ways after the outbreak of corona pandemic. Eskayef has brought to Bangladesh within short span of time the drug which has been globally approved.

Eskayef marketing department associate director Binoy Das also spoke at the event moderated by senior manager of Eskayef's medical affairs department Murad Hasan.