COVID-19: JTIB mobilises fund to help 60,000 people

Japan Tobacco International Bangladesh has mobilised a special COVID-19 fund to provide essential food and hygiene items to 60,000 people of underprivileged communities as well as protective gears to high-risk frontline workers, reports UNB.

These initiatives are being undertaken in addition to The JTI Foundation's existing long-term community investment projects in the areas of water, sanitation and hygiene in different parts of Bangladesh, according to a media release.

This emergency relief and other support are being delivered directly to district administrations, police authorities and partner charitable organisations to ensure targeted, need-based and fast delivery to underserved and high-risk groups in the districts where they have operational infrastructure, the release said.

General manager of Japan Tobacco International Bangladesh Neil Coupland said: "For almost two decades, The JTI Foundation has concentrated on improving the lives of those affected by disaster. As a result of diverse programmes with our numerous partners, hundreds of thousands have benefited from its efforts to deliver swift, lasting relief in the aftermath of natural or man-made emergencies. Now is the time, once again, to do just that - to reach out to the most vulnerable in our communities and provide a helping hand at a time of greatest need."

Japan Tobacco International Bangladesh has participated in and enhanced the emergency response initiatives of Swisscontact Bangladesh, Water & Life Bangladesh (Shobar Jonno Pani), "Mission Save Bangladesh" and The Foreign Investors' Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI).

The partnership with Swisscontact Bangladesh and Water & Life Bangladesh has been funded by The JTI Foundation, a charitable organization financially endowed by JTI SA.