Tidal surges inundate low-lying areas as embankment collapses in Khulna

Water enters through the damaged part of the embankmentUNB

Low-lying areas in Paikgachha upazila sadar in Khulna have been flooded following the collapse of an embankment due to tidal surges on Sunday, reports UNB.

Bangabandhu Chattar, kitchen market area and some other low-lying areas were inundated, causing sufferings to local residents.

The front part of the newly constructed town protection embankment collapsed due to tidal surges caused by depression in the Bay of Bengal.

Locals alleged that under the supervision of the Paikgachha municipal authority, the dam was constructed in Charbharati area of the Shibsha river in an unplanned manner to protect the municipality from flooding. It was inaugurated on 23 April this year.

In just a few days, fish farming started inside of the dam.

A number of trees of the afforestation project implemented around the vast area of Shibshar's Charbharati started to die as the water cannot recede due to construction of the embankment, they said.

Paikgachha Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Momtaz Begum directed the local municipality to remove the dam. As the dam was not removed, eventually it could not withstand the extra pressure of the tidal surges in the Shibshar.

However, Paikgachha Water Development Board Assistant engineer Md Raju Howlader said they have not built any embankment in Shibshar. That was not approved by the Bangladesh Water Development Board. They are aware of the dam collapse, he added.