Turkey condemns Nizami’s execution

Following Nizami's execution, Turkey says it will continue to stand in solidarity with the 'brotherly' Bangladeshi people.

The Turkish foreign ministry strongly condemned on Wednesday the execution of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami chief Matiur Rahman Nizami, according to Turkish state-run news agency Anadolu Agency.

The ministry said in a written statement that it had learned with "great sorrow" of Nizami’s execution.

"We strongly condemn the execution, since we believe that Nizami did not deserve such a punishment, and we extend our condolences for the deceased," it added.

Turkey said it will continue to stand in solidarity with the "brotherly" Bangladeshi people while they work to maintain social peace.
It also said that for three years now Turkey has called on Bangladesh to suspend executions and expressed concerns that they would stoke societal tensions.