Investigate attacks on journos, activists, Amnesty tells govt

The Amnesty International has demanded that an impartial investigation be conducted into reports of attacks on journalists and opposition activists ahead of the 11th parliamentary elections due on 30 December.

Issuing a press statement, the human rights body on Friday also demanded immediate release of those opposition activists who have been arrested arbitrarily.

Condemning the recent attack on journalists and activists, Amnesty International’s South Asia campaigner, Saad Hammadi said, "The authorities must impartially investigate these attacks and bring the perpetrators to justice. Such incidents are detrimental to a peaceful atmosphere for people to exercise their civil and political rights."

At least 12 journalists on duty to cover the electioneering at a Dhaka constituency came under attack and 16 vehicles carrying them were damaged by a group of 30-35 attackers on 24 December 2018. The guest house where the journalists were resting also came under attack.

“The attacks are matters of great concerns. Bangladesh’s authorities must protect the right to freedom of expression and association. The authorities must also protect the rights of people as contained in Bangladesh's constitution as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other international standards which Bangladesh has agreed to follow,” said Saad Hammadi.