Different symptoms of coronavirus

The common symptoms of coronavirus are fever, cough, sore throat and breathing difficulty. However, some patients experience symptoms other than these. That is why it is extremely important at this time not to ignore or neglect any sort of physical ailment. Let us look at the other symptoms which some coronavirus patients experience:

1. One symptom can be body ache or extreme fatigue. If simple actions like using the toilet or changing clothes leads to fatigue or tiredness, of if one suddenly feels weak for no apparent reason, one should take precautions.

2. Headaches and dizziness are also symptoms of coronavirus. If an elderly family member seems to develop such symptoms, one should take precautions.

3. Another symptom which has been appearing is diarrhoea, vomiting or nausea. These symptoms did not appear in the coronavirus cases in China.

4. Even just losing one’s sense of smell is a symptom. Some people lose their sense of taste too.

5. Some coronavirus patients get a cold, shivering feeling.

6. Conjunctivitis or eye infection is now also being seen as a symptom.

7. Coronavirus can also harm the blood clotting process, leading to chest pains, heart attacks and strokes.

Scientists are discovering new things about coronavirus every day. Again, the symptoms mentioned above can also be because of flu or other illness. So if such symptoms appear, do not panic, just be cautious. If necessary, arrange to be tested.

Also keep in mind, testing negative for coronavirus does not mean you are not infected. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 tests before the results are positive. Then again, 25 per cent of the patients may not even display any symptoms. So whether you have symptoms or not, it is best to stay at home and maintain the health rules.

* Rashedul Hasan is a physician at the medicine department of Green Life Medical College