Red silk-cotton flowers have started to bloom as the harbinger of spring’s arrival. A bird sips on the nectar from the flower. Photo taken from Katakbazar area in Cumilla on 5 February.M Sadek
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Carrying a hand plough and other cultivating tools on his shoulder, a farmer walks towards his cropland early in the morning. Photo taken from Shukanchaki area in Rangpur on 5 February.Moinul Islam
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A potter woman lays clay dishes in the sun to dry. She sells them for Tk 30-40 right out of her home. Photo taken from Kadimpara village in Bogura on 5 February.Soyel Rana
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Honeybees sip nectar from the mustard blooms. Photo taken from Senhati area in Khulna’s Dighalia on 5 February.Saddam Hossain