8th CJEN Bangladesh Networking Conference 2023 is taking place at DIU
The two-day 8th prestigious CJEN Bangladesh Networking Conference 2023 has already been started Saturday, 28 October, 2023 and will continue till 29 October, 2023.
This conference is taking place at Daffodil Smart City, Birulia, is being jointly organized by the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication of Daffodil International University (DIU) and DW Akademie.
The theme of the conference of this year is "Ensuring Economic Sustainability for Local and Regional Mass Media in Bangladesh." The country’s leading intellectuals, specialists, and visionaries in journalism and media communication are congregating at the conference.
The conference has opened with the welcome remarks of Professor Dr. Liza Sharmin, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, DIU. The Special Chief Guest, Ute Eckertz, Representative, German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, expressed, "As we know, Bangladesh has ranked very low over the years in freedom of speech rankings, and this will eventually hinder the overall progress of the country. It's high time to take necessary steps, and CJEN 2023 will be a milestone in this regard".
The Cheif Guest, Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice-Chancellor, DIU has presented as the Chief Guest of the opening session of the conference. He expressed, "We organize numerous conferences, workshops every year, enriching our students and professionals. We will ensure that the 8th CJEN Bangladesh Networking Conference becomes the most successful one."
Priya Esselborn, Programme Director Bangladesh, DW Akademie has delivered the speech on the behalf of DW Akademie. Mr. Shahed Mohammad Ali, Editor, the Daily Kaler Kantho has delivered the keynote speech afterwards.
Two plenary sessions and one stakeholders’ workshop titled "Understanding the Landscape of Local and Regional Media", "Exploring Innovative Business Models for Bangladeshi Local Media", and "Quality Journalism and Revenue: Engaging Future Journalists in Journalism Education and Professionalism", are the parts of todays' session. Moreover, a workshop for students has been conducted on social media storytelling.
Dr. Md. Abdul Kabil Khan, Associate Professor, of the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, DIU, is the Convener, and Mr. Aftab Hossain, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, DIU is the Co-Convener, and Dr. Golam Rahman, Professor, DIU is the Chief Patron of this conference.
A Draft Policy titled "DIU 2023 Declaration: Advancing Local and Regional Media for a Sustainable Future" will be presented tomorrow. Around 65 delegates from different universities, media houses, and organisations of the country have joined in the conference.