Hartal ends peacefully

The photo taken from Matijhil area on Sunday shows busy passage of  the city commuters. Photo: Focus Bangla
The photo taken from Matijhil area on Sunday shows busy passage of the city commuters. Photo: Focus Bangla

The dawn-to-dusk hartal on Sunday, called by Sommilito Islamic Dal, a group of Islamic parties demanding trail of recently sacked minister Abdul Latif Siddique for anti-Islamic remarks, passed off peacefully across the country, reposts BSS.

Starting at 6:00am, the shutdown continued till 6:00pm without any untoward incidents.

BSS said the civic life remained unaffected in Dhaka as rickshaws, auto-bikes, motorbike, private transports and trains plied normally except the long route buses, trucks and heavy vehicles.

No picketers were found in the streets during the hartal period while the concerned authorities had taken adequate security measures across the country, the report added.