Celebrating the champion of freedom

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Al-Haj Zahirul Huq

From the family’s young ‘Khoka’ to the dear ‘Mujib bhai’ of his political comrades, from the valiant ‘Bangabandhu’ of the student leaders to the towering hero of the masses -- this is Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of independent Bangladesh. At the age of 51 he established an independent nation, and at 55, he met his tragic death in a brutal assassination. Today is his birthday.

One hundred years ago, on 17 March 1920, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born to the Sheikh family in Tungipara, Gopalganj. Exactly 50 years ago, in March 1971, he gave the call for freedom. In response to his call, the people rose up in the liberation struggle and 3 million people laid down their lives for independence won in just nine months. He built up the people for this fight and over the years, he built himself up too. This leader spent 14 years of his life in prison.

Today the nation celebrates his birthday. Last year was his 100th birthday. From that day till now, the government has observed the centennial of his birth as Mujib Borsho. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the centennial could not be celebrated a planned last year.

This year Bangladesh is celebrating its 50th anniversary, the golden jubilee of the country’s independence. That is why Bangabandhu’s birthday holds special significance this year. From Wednesday, a 10-day ‘Mujib Chirantan’ (Mujib Eternal) series of events has taken off on the occasion of the golden jubilee of independence.

World leaders, in person and through video messages, will join the people of Bangladesh in paying tribute to this historic hero. They will pay homage to this man who was far ahead of his time. They will highlight the achievements made over the past 5 decades by this country which won its independence in a matter of 9 months, and they will speak of taking forward their relations with Bangladesh in the days to come.

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, Sri Lankan prime minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, the president of Maldives Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Nepal’s president Bidya Devi Bhandari and Bhutan’s prime minister Lotay Tshering will come in person to Bangladesh to join the people in the 10-day festivities.

Meanwhile, Chinese president Xi Jinping, Japanese prime minister Yoshihide Suga, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, South Korean prime minister Chung Sye-Kyun, Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen, OIC secretary general Yusef Ahmed Al-Othaimeen and Pope Francis will join the ‘Mujib Chirantan’ event virtually.

Foreign minister AK Abdul Momen said that these gestures of the top leaders of South Asia in these times of the Covid pandemic, is a reflection of their deep friendship and their confidence in Bangladesh.

There will be thematic events at the national parade grounds every day during these 10 days of festivities. Top leaders of South Asia will deliver speeches as special guests on five of these days. Also speaking on the occasion will be president Md Abdul Hamid and prime minister Sheikh Hasina. On the other five days, top leaders of various countries and heads of international agencies will deliver their speeches virtually. There will be cultural programmes every day.

Artistes from India, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka will present cultural performance during the 10-day event. On 26 March, Indian artistes will present the ‘maitri raga’, dedicated to Bangabandhu. Due to the ongoing Covid situation only invited guest will attend the programmes to be held on a limited scale. However, the programmes will be aired every day on electronic and social media platforms.

Renowned Indian dance artiste Mamata Shankar and her husband Chandradoy Ghosh, in Dhaka to join Bangabandhu birth anniversary celebrations, said, “We are proud to be here to join Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s birth centennial celebrations.” They said they had deep ties with Bangladesh and its people. The couple said that such initiatives would serve to take forward the cultural ties between the two countries.

On Tuesday, last minute preparations were taking place at the parade grounds. When asked about the programmes, president of the Bangabandhu centennial celebration committee Asaduzzaman Nur told the media that the programmes would highlight Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a non-compromising leader of a life-long struggle, sacrifice and courage. Bangladesh’s independence and development would also be highlighted.

At 4:30pm Wednesday afternoon, president Md Abdul Hamid, prime minister Sheikh Hasina and the Maldives president Ibrahim Solih would be present at the parade grounds to attend an event, ‘Bhengechhe Duar, Eshechho Jyotirmoy’. The event would start with children singing the national anthem. An animation film of ‘Mujib Chirantan’ will then be screened. Professor Rafiqul Islam will present the welcome address.

On Wednesday also, virtual messages will be presented by Chinese president Xi Jinping, Japanese prime minister Yoshihide Suga and Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau. After that, president Md Abdul Hamid will speak as chief guest on the occasion. He will present mementos to the guests. After 6:00pm, the Indian artistes will present a cultural show.

Important buildings around the city have been illuminated on the occasion of 17 March. The festivities will continue till 26 March. Colourful lights adorn the streets and intersections of the city.

The guests arriving to join Bangabandhu’s birth centennial and the country’s golden jubilee of independence, will visit Dhanmondi Road 32 to pay homage to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the Bangabandhu museum. The five heads of state and government of the neighbouring countries will also pay respects at the Jatiya Smriti Soudhya (National Mausoleum).

*This report appeared in the print and online edition of Prothom Alo and has been rewritten for the English edition by Ayesha Kabir