Uproar over forced resignation of Bakerganj Govt College principal Shukla Rani Halder

Protesters surround Shukla Rani Halder, the principal of Bakerganj Government College, in her office last Thursday afternoon.Photo: Collected

A wave of condemnation has erupted on social media following the forced resignation of Shukla Rani Halder, principal of Bakerganj Government College in Barishal.

The outrage has been fueled by images of Halder’s vulnerable state while being held captive, which have gone viral, prompting former students and local residents to protest the incident.

Shukla Rani Halder, an officer of the 14th BCS education cadre, assumed her role as principal of Bakerganj Government College in mid-2022. Prior to this, she served as an English professor at Government Brojomohun (BM) College in Barishal.

In the afternoon of 29 August, a group of individuals, including students and outsiders, besieged her office for nearly four hours, eventually forcing her to resign. Images of her helpless condition while being confined quickly spread on Facebook, intensifying public backlash.

Former BM College student Mita Mitu expressed her dismay on Facebook, writing, "Shukla Rani ma'am was my favourite teacher in the English Department at BM College. She is currently the principal at Bakerganj Government College, and she has been compelled to resign. She is an exceptional person, always smiling, and full of joy. In reality, ma'am, people like you truly do not deserve such treatment. They lack any merit. Please forgive them, ma'am."

Another former student of Barishal Government IHT, MM Jubair, commented on Facebook, "During my time at Barishal Government IHT, ma'am taught us as a guest teacher. She is a warm-hearted, student-friendly teacher, always smiling. After serving at BM College, she is now the principal at Bakerganj Government College. I believe someone is exploiting the students for their own gain. As her former student and a concerned citizen of Bangladesh, I protest this incident and demand a proper investigation. Please forgive them, ma'am."

These sentiments reflect a broader outcry on Facebook, with numerous posts and comments expressing similar outrage. A BCS cadre officer, speaking anonymously to Prothom Alo, said, "Shukla ma'am was my teacher. She has no children of her own; her students were like her children. I cannot accept the cruel treatment meted out to such an ideal educator."

What happened that day

Eyewitnesses said that the protest began around 10:00am on 29 August, with more outsiders than students participating. The protest was led by the son of a local BNP leader, who is a student at the college. Most of the protestors were identified as BNP activists. They accused principal Shukla Rani Halder of financial corruption, irregular attendance, and other misconduct, demanding her resignation.

At one point, the protestors stormed her office, pressuring her to resign. By 2:00pm, Shukla Rani Halder was forced to write "I resign" on a blank sheet of paper. She was then compelled to sign and stamp the paper, after which the situation finally calmed down.

However, Nasir Jamaddar, convener of the Bakerganj upazila BNP, told Prothom Alo on Saturday afternoon, "There is no evidence that any student wing of the BNP was involved in this incident. I have heard that it was carried out by regular students."

Under pressure from the protesters, Shukla Rani Halder, the principal of Bakerganj Government College, signs a blank piece of paper.
Photo: Collected

KM Hasibul Alam, the coordinator of the Anti-Discrimination Movement in Bakerganj, stated to Prothom Alo, "No member of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement was involved in the protest or in forcing the resignation of Principal Shukla Rani Halder. I believe there was factionalism among the teachers at the college, and that some of them conspired in this incident."

"Although there may have been some resentment due to her appointment during the current Awami League government's tenure, the manner in which a teacher and BCS cadre officer was forced to resign is neither lawful nor acceptable. The allegations against her could have been investigated administratively, but no one should be coerced and humiliated in this way," he added.

In a statement to Prothom Alo, principal Shukla Rani Halder said, "Some of the students I taught have insulted me deeply. However, there were more outsiders than students involved. Unable to calm them down, I had no choice but to write my resignation. Now, the entire matter will be decided by the higher authorities in the education ministry."

Regarding the allegations against her, she added, "There is no concrete evidence for any of the charges. There is infighting among the teachers, and one faction has used students and outsiders against me."

Professor Shah Sajeda, the former president of the Barishal District Branch of the Citizens' Committee for Awareness (SoNAK) and the first female teacher and chairperson of the Management Department at Government BM College, shared her thoughts with Prothom Alo: "I shed silent tears when I saw how Shukla, a colleague junior to me, was treated. I have not been able to forgive myself since I saw her helpless and devastated image on social media. Such treatment of a female teacher is utterly unacceptable."