UN stands ready to support Bangladesh in any necessity 

UN secretary general's deputy spokesman Farhan Haq speaks at a press briefing on 8 August, 2024.Screengrab from video

The United Nations has expressed its readiness to support the interim government in Bangladesh as well as the people here in any way that they deem is necessary.

Farhan Haq, the deputy spokesman for the UN secretary general, came up with the disclosure at a press briefing at the UN headquarters at New York on Thursday. 

Referring to the constitution of the interim government, a journalist asked if the secretary general congratulated the chief advisor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, or had spoken to him on phone. 

In response, Farhan Haq said, “He has not spoken to him, but the resident coordinator in Bangladesh did attend today’s ceremony, and certainly she and the country team have been active in encouraging the process of making sure that the transition on the ground is peaceful.”

Responding to another query on the secretary general’s perspective regarding the interim government, he said, “You have heard what we have been saying about our hopes for an inclusive process of forming a government, and certainly we continue to hold that hope. And, of course, any sign of lessening of violence and greater restraint amongst the public is a good thing.”

The spokesperson was also asked about the reported attacks on Hindus and other minorities in Bangladesh.

He said, "What we have made clear is we want to make sure that the violence that has been occurring in Bangladesh in recent weeks is tamped down. Certainly, we stand against any racially based attacks or racially based incitement to violence.”   

While placing a query, another journalist noted that hundreds of people were killed in Bangladesh during the toppling of the government in the last couple weeks, while some of the survivors are calling on the UN to be part of some sort of investigation. He asked how the UN would react against the calls. 

The spokesperson replied , “We will see what kind of formal request we get from any new government that is formed. We, of course, stand ready to support the government and people of Bangladesh in any way that they deem is necessary.”