You better reorganise the party, home advisor to AL

Home affairs advisor Brigadier General (retd.) M Sakhawat Hossain talks to the mediaFile photo

Interim government’s home affairs adviser Brigadier General (retd.) M Sakhawat Hossain on Monday advised the leaders of Bangladesh Awami League to reorganise their party instead of getting involved in activities that would hamper the party.

“Whether you mobilise people or something else, I request you to not to do anything that would endanger your (AL’s) existence. The people of this country are not yet ready to accept you. Instead, I think you should focus on reorganising the party,” said M Sakhawat Hossain in response to a question on AL.

He was talking to the newspersons at the Combined Military Hospital in Dhaka, where he visited Ansar personnel sustained injuries during the movement of the students and people in the morning.

Highlighting the contributions of the Awami League in Bangladesh, Sakhawat Hossain said, “We can’t deny that. Reorganise the party, stay like a political party and contest the election when it is arrenged .”

“You (Awami League) would hand over this country to another? We fought in the liberation war, and 3 million people sacrificed their lives, you want to hand over this country to another standing on those 3 million people? People of this country have not forgotten this so soon. You considered a person a leader, now that leader is in hiding. We can’t save that leader. Don’t we know, many people saved many leaders?” said the home affairs advisor.

Stating that there is no point in fighting now, Sakhawat Hossain said, “We don’t want to see more deaths. Maybe 500 or more people have already died. You see what happened with the police force and the Ansar. Had we instigated, you would not have survived. We restrained the army because whom would you shoot? Whom have you killed using the police? You’ve used the police to kill your own children. What has a police member said? Sir, how many bullets are required (to kill)? His son has been killed. Don’t do this. We request, don’t instigate. Don’t destroy such a large party for personal interests. This (Awami League) is our pride. You don’t have the right to destroy this.”

Mentioning that the blood of thousands of people is required for any counter-revolution, the home advisor said, “And, if someone thinks you would come (to power) staging a counter-revolution, blood of thousands of people is required for any counter-revolution. I have nothing to say if any of you want to take that responsibility.”

He further said that no political party, rather the youth staged the revolution this time. “They have given their lives which you could never do. They are ready to take police bullets. They don’t feel sad about this. These people (the youth) would face you. I request you, pls maintain the country’s freedom.”

Arms to be submitted within 7 days

Home affairs advisor M Sakhwat Hossain mentioned that the people have got forbidden 7.62 mm rifles, which in no way the civilians are supposed to get hold of. That was authorised for the police and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). How could they get those?

Issuing a stern warning, he said those who have got unauthorised weapons must submit to the nearby police stations within seven days. “If you don’t submit those, you will face two charges - firstly, carrying illegal weapons; and, secondly,  carrying weapons that the government made illegal. You may even have to go to the international court… You must submit it by next Monday… If you can’t, submit those through others. You must submit those rifles by any means otherwise we shall initiate a hunt.”

Me Sakhawat Hossain said the country will have to seek international cooperation to find out why this happened in Bangladesh. “I have already recommended it. I would discuss in the next meeting about who gave orders, why and how things happened.”

Offering an apology for his Sunday statement regarding closing the media, he said, “At the heat of the moment I said I would shut the media if it acts like a sycophant again. Actually, this is not my task.”

Sakhawat further said that not all police members are bad. They have had a realisation and they themselves do not want to wear the previous uniform. “They didn’t do things, they were used.”

‘No point in attempt to create chaos, people will become furious again’

A delegation of the minority community met the home advisor at his secretariat office today to meet several demands.

Later, while speaking about the meeting, Sakhawat Hossain talked about Awami League. He advised the leaders of the party to reorganise Awami League with new faces.

He said AL is a large political party and there are many bright leaders in the party. Once this was the party of the secular middle class people and Muslim League was of the upper class. A party of such a huge figure (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman), who liberated this country. No one has any doubt about this. There is no point in having doubts about this. The liberation war was fought in his name, the country earned freedom. That party would collapse in such a way, (leaders are) hiding.

“Reorganise the party, none has banned your party. Banning any party is a condemnable culture,” he stated.

Indicating Sheikh Hasina, who left the country in the face of the movement, the home advisor said, “You want to come, this is your country. Why don’t you come? Your citizenship has not been revoked. You served as prime minister for 21 years. But you left the country on your own, no one asked you to leave. Stay well and come back. We all respect you but there is no point in attempting to create disorder. The people will become furious once again.”

At this time citing the Jatiya Party as an example, he remarked that the party survived as HM Ershad went to jail.

He also called on the political parties to take steps to stop attacks on minority communities and other incidents of violence.

“You quell your area. If I take the account according to the parliamentary constituencies, you know me well. I’m not new in this business. I will ensure that the elections (in the respective constituencies) do not take place,” he said.

Requesting the political leaders, he further said, “Please do not push the country towards anarchy. Including the party (Awami League) that recently (lost power), you reorganise the party; we will help you from the home ministry. Reorganise by bringing a new face (new leadership) and new commitment. Hopefully, political parties will follow the law.”