Lawmakers lash out at commerce minister over exorbitant price of essentials

Commerce minister Tipu Munshi
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Opposition members of parliament (MP) slammed commerce minister Tipu Munshi in a session at Jatiya Sangsad over commodity prices and market syndicates. Some parliamentarians raised the question as to whether the commerce minister is failing to take any actions against the syndicate since he himself is a businessman. A few of them demanded his resignation terming the commerce ministry the most failed ministry.

The opposition party lawmakers vented their anger while participating in the discussion on the approval of the allocation for the commerce ministry in the proposed budget of 2023-24.

In response to the opposition's criticism, commerce minister Tipu Munshi said that if the opposition MP (Mokabbir Khan) agrees to take charge of the commerce ministry, he is willing to relinquish the responsibility.

He said, everyone calls him a businessman whereas he has been in politics for 56 years and doing business for 40 years.

The commerce minister noted, the big group of industries can be fined or the owners can be sent to jail. However, it is anticipated that the sudden repercussions and consequences of such measures would be challenging to handle. The ministry makes efforts to maintain control through negotiation.

10 members of Parliament proposed a cut on the demand for approval of the Ministry of Commerce. Three of the MPs were absent.

According to Mokabbir Khan, a parliament member from Gono Forum, the Ministry of Commerce stands out as the most ineffective ministry under the current government.  It becomes evident when we visit any market. People refer to it syndicate friendly ministry.

Alleging the involvement of a syndicate of traders to increase the price of goods, Mokabbir said that other fellow MPs in the parliament accused the commerce minister of being involved in this, but he did not want to make such implication.

Mokabbir Khan retorted, "Why don't you resign after all this?" He questioned, has the minister formed a Syndicate Ministry as one of the leaders of the syndicate?

Mokabbir Khan said, when the commerce minister says that the price of a product will decrease, the price of that product increases the next day. He asked the question, why did the price of onion go up from Tk 30 to Tk 90 despite having enough stock? Why is the price of onion persisting at Tk 80 even after import?

Mokabbir Khan further asserted that the minister of commerce is likely to evade addressing this issue and refrain from providing a direct response.

Jatiya Party MP Pir Fazlur Rahman said, "Our commerce minister said that some traders are taking advantage of commodity prices. Why doesn’t he take action against those who are taking advantage of this opportunity and who arbitrarily increase the prices. He himself is a businessman. He knows which traders are doing it. Are these traders close to him? Is that why he cannot take action against the syndicate traders? He should admit it publicly. Why can’t he do that?”

Pir Fazlur Rahman said that nearly Tk 15 billion has been misappropriated in the onion market. A few companies are looting Tk 170 million daily in the sugar market. Millions have been looted in the broiler chicken market in one and a half months. The commerce minister was unable to take any action.

He further said that the minister of state for industries said, "People are in distress when they go to the market, the only reason is the syndicate. People also understand this. The Russia-Ukraine war alone should not be blamed for the rise in commodity prices. The syndicate has looted millions in the egg market. We do not have to import eggs from Ukraine.”

Shameem Haider Patwari, another lawmaker, said, "Despite the reduction in prices globally, Bangladesh could not benefit. Inflation in Bangladesh was 6 per cent, which perhaps increased to 10 per cent. It is growing. Inflation is eroding people’s real income. Due to inflation, soap, bread, and street food are all shrinking. The government's budget size is getting bigger while people are cutting corners.

Comparing the current market price of some products with that of 2020, Shameem Haider said, “Has anyone's income increased during this period? Syndicates exist undoubtedly and are powerful. But are they stronger than the government?'

Commenting that the syndicate cannot be stronger than the government, Shameem Haider said, "If there is a syndicate within the government, it must be identified. The minister has a large business. He is a successful businessman. I believe, if he is given the freedom to act, he will definitely be able to work it out.”

Criticising the ministry, Jatiya Party MP Rustum Ali Faraji said, "What does the monitoring cell of the ministry do? It is a big ministry. If its minister is not dynamic, the prices will definitely go up.”

Independent MP Rezaul Karim said that the increase in commodity prices has been justified in various ways. But there can be no excuse for the price increase in domestic products.