No govt agencies could identify NBR’s Matiur: Bahauddin Nasim

Bahauddin NasimFile photo

Neither the Anti-Corruption Commission, the media nor the politicians could identify the National Board of Revenue (NBR) member Matiur Rahman, said governing Bangladesh Awami League MP, AFM Bahauddin Nasim on Wednesday.

He further said a goat identified him.

Bahauddin Nasim also underscored the necessity of relevant agencies identifying whether there are more such Matiurs or not.

Nasim, also the Awami League joint general secretary, said this while taking part in general discussion on the proposed budget of 2024-25 fiscal year in parliament today.

Recently, the issues of corruption committed by NBR official, former police and army chiefs hit the headlines.

News agency UNB adds: Bahauddin Nasim also came down heavily on the associations of professionals for giving statements in favour of corrupt government officials.

He said that by giving statements in favour of corrupt persons these associations are taking the responsibilities of corruption on their shoulders.

He also put emphasis on finding out other corrupt government officials and urged the government bodies to act accordingly.

The AL lawmaker said that politicians do not take action or take sides when there are allegations of corruption or misdeeds against any other politician.

“Rather, they raised their voice for taking political and legal actions. That is the greatness of honest politicians. But sometimes we see when there are allegations of corruption against a particular person in a government or private, semi-government organisation or law enforcement agency, then a statement is given on behalf of that corrupt person,” he said.

In other words, he said, the responsibility of the complaint against the particular person is taken by those organisations. “This responsibility falls on the entire organisation. We have to get out of this.”

Bahauddin Nasim said that initiatives should be taken to implement Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s zero tolerance policy against corruption by taking strict action against corrupt individuals, institutions, government or private parties or organisations.

Nasim pointed out that loan defaults should be reduced in the future by taking strict measures against the defaulters.

He said that loan defaulters, money launderers, bank robbers and those who are behind the price hike of essentials should be identified.

“I think it is necessary to prepare a list and present it to the nation,” he added.

The AL leader said that the people of the country should be protected from the hands of this vicious, totalitarian, self-seeking gang by forming a special task force.

On 21 June, Bangladesh Police Service Association issued a statement condemning what it termed a “smear campaign” orchestrated by certain media outlets against current and former members of the police force.

BPSA termed recent media reports against its retired and serving officials as ‘partial, ill motivated, sweeping and exaggerated’ and also requested the media to be more cautious while publishing reports on the force.

The statement came amid legal action against allegations of accumulating huge illegal wealth by former inspector general of police Benazir Ahmed and his family based on media reports.

Most recently, former Dhaka Metropolitan Police commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia has also made headlines over allegations of amassing illegal wealth.

Meanwhile, Matiur Rahman, former president of the NBR’s customs, excise and VAT appellate tribunal, has been transferred to the Internal Resources Division (IRD) of the finance ministry following a recent controversy over his wealth.