Chanchal Chowdhury to play Misir Ali

Chanchal Chowdhury
Chanchal Chowdhury

After creating ‘Aynabaji’ magic, Chanchal Chowdhury is all set to portray Humayun Ahmed’s iconic fictional character Misir Ali for upcoming film ‘Debi’.

‘Debi’, the first Misir Ali novel, is being adapted into a film by popular actress Jaya Ahsan's production house C te Cinema.

Initially Jaya remained hush-hush about starting shooting the film. But she finally broke the silence.

"We have sorted out everything. We will start shooting this month. However, we do not want to disclose shooting location or anything else right now," said Jaya.

She also said Chonchol Chowdhury will play the role of Misir Ali.

Jaya will play Ranu, and Animesh Aich will play Ranu's husband.

Actor Iresh Zaker and actress Shabnam Faria will play two other roles in the film.   

Anam Biswash will direct the film.

"It's challenging. Hyuman Ahmed readers have a preset idea about Misir Ali. We will try to portray Misir Ali the way they his fans want to see,” said Anam.