TOP SHOTS (31 January 2024)

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A  blue-throated barbet perches on a tree branch and feast on ripe plums. The picture was taken from Khottapara, Shajahanpur, Bogura, 31 January.
Soyel Rana
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Some people braved the drizzle and cold to come out to the streets. Abu Naser Hospital Mor area, Khulna, 31 January.
Saddam Hossain.
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A hard-working farmer tends to his onion field. Hamchiapur, Malanchi, Pabna, 31 January.
Hasan Mahmud.
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A fisherman walks to a waterbody for fishing. Haldibari area, Kaunia, Rangpur, 31 January.
Moinul Islam
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The people defy the chilling cold in search of livelihood. Manoharpur, Maligacha, Pabna, 31 January.
Hasan Mahmud
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Fishermen repair the fishing nets in Shalua, Dumuria, Khulna, on 31 January.
Saddam Hossain
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A farmer returns home with a bundle of crops on his head. Hamchiapur, Malanchi, Pabna, 31 January.
Hasan Mahmud.
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Migratory birds flock to the Dibir Haor, filling the air with their melodious chirps. Jaintapur, Sylhet, 31 January.
Anis Mahmud