TOP SHOTS (10 February 2024)

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Some areas of the Karatoya river have dried while some areas are knee deep in water during the dry season. A section of influential people are making arrangements to extract sand. The picture was taken from Dhaoa Koala village in Bogura on 10 February.
Soyel Rana
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Two people are plucking onion seedlings at Gokul village in Bogura on 10 February.
Soyel Rana
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A section of influential people are trading sand obstructing the flow of river water. The picture was taken from Telihara village in Bogura on 10 February.
Soyel Rana
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Seagulls (gangchil) are flying over the Karnaphuli river in search of food. The picture was taken from Fringibazar ghat area in Chattogram on 10 February.
Sowrav Das
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Cabbage is a winter vegetable. A cabbage is being sold at Tk 15 in the wholesale market. The picture was taken from Boikunthapur area in Rangpur on 10 February.
Moinul Islam