ULAB, JAAGO Foundation form five-year strategic partnership on education

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) and JAAGO Foundation have extended their strategic partnership through a MoU, focusing on joint initiatives for the next five years.

Professor Imran Rahman, Vice-Chancellor, ULAB penned the agreement with Korvi Rakshand, Founder and Executive Director, JAAGO Foundation.

Initiatives include one full scholarship annually from ULAB for a JAAGO student to pursue an undergraduate degree at ULAB. Additionally, ULAB will organize biannual visits for JAAGO students in classes 8-10 to the university.

JAAGO, in turn, will offer opportunities for ULAB students to volunteer on various projects, mentor JAAGO children, and engage in part-time teaching, as well as collaborate with the ULAB Career Service Office to offer internships and full-time job opportunities for suitable ULAB graduates.

Delegation from JAAGO Foundation included Safina Anjum, Communication Manager of the Founder Office, while the attendees of ULAB included Jude William Genilo, Pro-VC, Milan Kumar Bhattacharjee, Treasurer, Sarwar Uddin Ahmed, Dean and Professor, School of Business, Kaiser Md Hamidul Haq, Professor and Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, Zamal Uddin Bhuiyan, Joint Registrar & Admission Director, Jennifer Hossain, Director, International Affairs and Moinak Kanungo, Deputy Director, Student Affairs, Co-curricular and Clubs.

Prior to singing the MoU, Korvi Rakshand graced the ULAB’s Freshers' Orientation Summer 2024 event as the chief guest on the campus.