Sessions held on assessing effectiveness of gender equity movement in schools

A session was held on assessing effectiveness of gender equity movement in schools at CIRDAP auditoriumCourtesy

Plan International Bangladesh in collaboration with the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education Bangladesh (DSHE) held an event on monitoring the impact of the gender equity movement in school (GEMS).

The event was held in the city’s CIRDAP auditorium where presentation of results of qualitative evaluation research work was showcased.

Since 2013, Plan International Bangladesh and the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) have been working closely to carry forward the Generation Breakthrough project alongside DSHE.GEMS curriculum has been adopted and contextualized by Plan International Bangladesh under a project of UNFPA since 2013, said a press release.  

Speaking as a chief guest, DSHE’s director general professor Nehal Ahmed said, “We need to raise concerns and voices to make significant positive changes in adolescent’s life from the very early stage of their cognitive development. We have to take a strong stand and work together to apply the gender equity and violence prevention curriculum in schools efficiently. This intervention should advance more in line with Plan’s goal and initiatives”.

Prof Md Moshiuzzaman, chairman of National Curriculum and Textbook Board, said , “In the past 10 years we have seen this intervention flourish bit by bit. Over the years, Plan International Bangladesh dedicatedly took the initiative to implement the GEMS curriculum package through different projects, and now we can witness the promising results with its impactful achievements”.

DSHE’s director (planning and development) professor AQM Shafiul Azam, said, “Over time, Plan has been effectively conducting its educational support activities with DESHE to enhance and extend GEMS implementation in different schools and madrasahs in different geographical locations in Bangladesh. It has been implemented in many projects and Plan’s contribution in this regard has been praiseworthy, through these findings we have identified some areas where we can collaborate more and further work on it”.  

Plan International Bangladesh’s country director Kabita Bose said, “The success of the GEMS curriculum is not only ours. Government officials and partner organizations played an impeccable role in mobilizing young people regarding their SRHR rights. Plan is always dedicated to contribute and wants to work side by side with the government to facilitate and achieve the collective target and goals”.

The assessment results showcased during the event showed that there are some areas where more collaboration can be done to ensure the greater well-being of the adolescents of Bangladesh, particularly in enhancing their life skills related to their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

Currently, Plan International Bangladesh has been implementing GEMS curriculum package in 25 Upazila in seven districts under five projects in three divisions of Bangladesh such as- Rangpur, Barisal and Dhaka in a total of 1004 secondary schools and madrasa. 1003 Total adolescent corners have been set up, and 3969 teachers have been trained to roll out GEMS at the educational institution level, the press release adds.