Battery-run auto-rickshaw drivers demonstrate blocking road in Mirpur

Auto-rickshaw drivers demonstrate blocking the road in Mirpur-10 roundabout area on 19 May, 2024. The photo was taken around 10 amAshraful Alam

The drivers of battery-run auto-rickshaws have been demonstrating blocking roads in Mirpur-10 roundabout area protesting against stopping the movement of the vehicle on roads.

They started the demonstration around 10:30 am, obstructing movement of other vehicles, leading to sufferings of commuters.

The police are not allowing the movement of the battery-run auto-rickshaws, said the demonstrators.

A number of drivers have been detained in the last few days while their auto-rickshaws were seized, the drivers added.

Movement of vehicles stopped due to the demonstration. The photo was taken around 12 pm
Ashraful Alam

Speaking to Prothom Alo, Helal Uddin, a battery-run auto-rickshaw driver, demanded the government allow the movement of auto-rickshaws until releasing the detained drivers and create scope for alternative sources of income.

He further said people were waiting at his home from the morning to collect the instalment. He asked how he would pay the money as he had no income.

Movement of vehicles stopped due to the demonstration. The photo was taken around 11 am
Ashraful Alam

He said they have taken to the roads as they are worried about paying the bills.

Mirpur police station officer-in-charge Munshi Sabir told Prothom Alo they have been conducting raids against the movement of auto-rickshaws. The auto-rickshaw drivers have been demonstrating as the police have detained a few drivers.

Auto-rickshaw drivers demonstrate blocking the road in Mirpur-10 roundabout area on 19 May, 2024. The photo was taken around 12 pm
Ashraful Alam

Sufficient number of policemen have been deployed in the area and they were working to bring the situation under control, the OC added.