Maximum 7-year jail for sexual relationship promising marriage, ordinance approved

A meeting of the council of advisers was held today, Thursday at the Chief Adviser's Office in DhakaPID

The government on Thursday approved amendments to the Women and Children Repression Prevention Act to speed up the trial of rape.

Council of advisers took the decision today with chief adviser Muhammad Yunus in the chair, said chief adviser’s press secretary Shafiqul Alam in a briefing at the Foreign Service Academy.

According to the approved draft, the maximum punishment for the crime of illicit sexual intercourse with the promise of marriage will be seven years.

UNB adds: Law Adviser Asif Nazrul on Wednesday said the government has prepared the draft of the amendment to Women and Children Repression Prevention Act reducing the trial and investigation time of the rape case by half.

Referring to the government step, Asif said, “We held consultation meetings with all concerned on Monday and Tuesday. I have made a draft of (Amendment to Women and Children Repression Prevention Act) and today we are circulating it to some stakeholders. We will try to ensure strict implementation of the law as soon as possible. I have told them that the trial of rape cases should not only be speedy, but justice should be ensured and fair.”

As per the draft, the investigation period for rape cases is being reduced from 30 days to 15 days and the time for completing the trial is being reduced from 180 days to 90 days, he said.

The Council of Advisors also approved amendments to Public Procurement Ordinance to enhance transparency and competition in government procurement and dismantle syndicates.

The provision that required rejecting tender proposals below 10 per cent of the estimated cost has been removed.

Besides, the previous evaluation matrix, which often resulted in the same companies repeatedly securing contracts, will be replaced with a new capacity-based evaluation system.

Currently, 65 per cent of tenders are processed online, and the Council of Advisers has decided to increase it to 100 per cent.

The council also approved amendment to the law related to abandoned property management.

Besides, the government has declared an additional holiday on 3 April for Eid to facilitate public convenience.

An optional leave policy has also been introduced for indigenous communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts to observe their cultural and social events.