Jamaat to hold rally in Dhaka on 1 August

Logo of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami

Jamaat-e-Islami has announced a three-day nationwide programme with a rally to be held in Dhaka on 1 August.

Jamaat’s acting ameer Mujibur Rahman made the announcement at a press conference in Dhaka on Monday.

The Islamist party announced the programmes to press home various demands including an election under a caretaker government by dissolving parliament and the release of its ameer and other leaders-activists and various Islamic scholars.

Its three-day programme includes bringing out procession in all cities and district towns on 28 and 30 July ahead of the Dhaka rally.

Addressing the press conference, Jamaat ameer said, “The government is plotting to hold the upcoming election in a style that they followed in 2014 and 2018 and they are reshuffling the administration accordingly.”

Mujibur Rahman alleged Jamaat is being allowed to hold meetings, rallies and processions but, recently, they were denied permission for rallies in Sylhet and Chattogram even after submitting written application to administration. Instead, leaders and activists of Jamaat are being harassed and arrested.

The Islamist party came to the limelight after holding a public rally in Dhaka with police permission after a decade. However, Jamaat had been denied permission in Sylhet and Chattogram.

At that time, the government’s permission and the party’s Dhaka rally stirred talks in the country’s political arena.

Moderated by Matiur Rahman Akanda, Jamaat leadsers Syed Abdullah Muhammad Taher, ATM Masum and Hamidur Rahman Azad, Nurul Islam and Abdur Rahman were present at the press conference.