Protesters block several intersections in city seeking quota reform

A group of protesting students blocked the Shahbagh intersection at around 11:15 am closing down all sorts of vehicular movement through this intersectionProthom Alo

The students and job aspirants have blocked various streets, including the Shahbagh intersection, in the capital demanding legislation of a law revoking all the irrational and discriminatory quotas in all grades of government jobs and minimising the quota for people from backward parts of the country.

A group of protesting students blocked the Shahbagh intersection at around 11:15 am closing down all sorts of vehicular movement through this vital intersection.

The protesters also have blocked several major points of the city including Agargaon, Science Laboratory and Farmgate.

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Later, at around 11:50 pm, a number of students joined the blockade with a procession which started in front of the DU central library under the banner of ‘anti-discriminatory student movement’.

The procession paraded through different roads on the campus and ended at Shahbagh intersection.

A section of the procession blocked the road in front of InterContinental hotel and the other section blocked the Shahbagh intersection.

The protesters are chanting various anti-quota slogans there. Meanwhile, the blockade has created severe traffic congestion in the adjacent areas. Although a number of police have been deployed at these points, they are not interfering.

The protesters have so far blocked several major points in the city including Science Lab, InterContinental hotel, Bangla Motor and Zero Point.

After a pause on Tuesday, the students and job aspirants are observing their Bangla Blockade programme for the third day. They are blocking the roads at several major points of the capital as part of their protest.

Besides, the students of different universities have boycotted the class and exams today and are observing a student strike as part of the programmes declared on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the academic activities of DU have come to a complete halt as a result of the simultaneous movement of the teachers and students.

The protesters have been waging the movement since 1 July. Although they pressed four-point demand at the beginning, now they are protesting to press home their one-point demand of passing a law revoking all the irrational and discriminatory quotas in all grades of government jobs and minimising the quota for people from backward parts of the country.

Meanwhile, two DU students filed a writ with the High Court on Tuesday seeking reinstatement of the 2018 circular of the public administration ministry cancelling quota system in government jobs.

However, the protesters said in the evening that they have no relation with the writ petition filed with the High Court.

They said they would leave the street at once if it is ensured in writing or through a circular that the quota system would be reformed rationally through a government commission.

Offspring of freedom fighters take to the street

Meanwhile, the Muktijoddha Sangsad Santan Command, a platform of freedom fighters’ offspring, is holding a demonstration demanding upholding the 30 per cent quota in government jobs for them.

After observing a sit-in programme and a brief rally, they headed towards the DU campus with a procession chanting various slogans against the 2018 circular cancelling the quota system.

The procession moved through different streets on the campus and ended in front of the national museum at Shahbagh.