Products that might see price drop

Finance minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali made the announcement while unveiling the national budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the parliament on Thursday. The authorities have decreased VAT and tax on some products. As a result, prices of these products might decrease.

However, the number of products that saw an increase of VAT or tax exceeds the products that saw decrease.

The products likely to see price fall


The finance minister in his budget speech recommends waiving 15 per cent VAT applicable at import stage on Laptop. This will reduce the total tax incidence from 31 per cent to 20.50 per cent.

Powered milk

The price of powdered milk has been high for a long time. According to Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB), price of per kg powdered milk ranges between Tk 790 to Tk 800. This price might see decrease due to withdrawal of supplementary duty on this product.
“We propose to withdraw the existing 20% supplementary duty on packed powdered milk up to 2.5 kg,” said the minister.  


Prices of dialysis might decrease as import duty has been lowered on dialysis filter and circuit.

“Dialysis filter and dialysis circuit are two essential components used in the dialysis of kidney patients. I propose reducing the existing import duty from 10% to 1% on the import of these two products,” the finance minister said.

Dengue kits

Price of dengue kits is likely to drop due to some concessions on import.
“For the past few years dengue outbreaks are often seen in the country and the situation is reaching an alarming level every year. Therefore, I propose to issue a new notification in the budget for the financial year 2024-25 to import dengue kits at concessional facilities,” said the minister.


The other products that might see price fall include raw materials of cancer drugs, dry fruit, mushroom, green tea, coffee.