Bangladesh-Japan B2B event to be held on 22 May

Flags of Bangladesh and JapanBSS

A business-to-business (B2B) match-making event will be held from 22-26 May for expanding business between Bangladesh and Japan, reports BSS.

Japan-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries (JBCCI) and Haison International Limited will jointly organise the event in Japan, said a press release in Dhaka on Wednesday.

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) ITPO Tokyo will provide local support in arranging the events.

Fourteen Bangladeshi companies in the areas of engineering, construction, logistics, shipping, SEZ management, ICT Park, real estate and hospitality, health and beauty, machinery, tools, automobiles, consultancy, banking and finance will participate the program for possible business collaboration with the Japanese companies.

Director, Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) who will be deputed at UNIDO ITPO Tokyo as Bangladesh Delegate and Representative from JBCCI will join.

Director, BIDA will speak about the present investment opportunities in Bangladesh and a Director from HAISON International will speak about the business practices by the Bangladeshi companies vis-a-vis Japanese firms. In all the events, a Japanese investor who has already invested in Bangladesh will share his experiences in Bangladesh.

This program is the first interactive programme between Bangladeshi companies and the Japanese firms after the visit of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh to Japan last month.

In all the three events, companies of both countries will interact with each other and have face-to-face discussions for JV partnerships.

The Bangladesh Embassy in Japan will provide necessary support during the programme.

It is expected that a large number of Japanese companies will participate in the events in the three locations.