Take care of stomach ailments

There is a connection between the good bacteria living in the intestines and the health of the digestive system. These bacteria build up resistance against harmful viruses and bacteria.

Many coronavirus patients develop symptoms of diarrhoea, indigestion, vomiting, loss of appetite and other problems related to digestion. It is important to be cautious about food intake. Researchers are stressing the importance of food that is good for the digestive system.

· There are bacteria-friendly foods that are beneficial for the good bacteria in the intestines. Food high in fibre such as maize, corn, brown rice, etc are good for the intestines. Among fruit, apples and bananas are good. Other beneficial foods include ginger, onions, lentils, flaxseed oil, etc.

· There are foods which contain probiotics which are good particularly at this time. These include yoghurt (doi), lassi, (a yoghurt drink), cheese, etc. These help in the reproduction of good bacteria which form a protective lining for the stomach. They are a protection against coronavirus and other germs.

· Smoking, mental stress and unnecessary antibiotics harm the good bacteria in the stomach. These lessen one’s immunity. So one must be conscious of these matters during the coronavirus outbreak. Antibiotics should not be taken without the physician’s prescription if one develops fever.

· The amount of good bacteria in our digestive tract depends a lot on our genes, our food habits and our lifestyle. We may not be able to change our genetic makeup, but we can increase the number of such bacteria through balanced food habits.