On this morning reddened in blood


The sun that has risen this morning is a new sun. It is a sun reddened with the blood of over 400 students. This blood red sun rises with fresh opportunities. 

Over the past few days the country literally was pitched into a valley of death. When the students launched into a movement on 1 July demanding an end to discriminatory quota in government jobs, it was a totally non-violent movement. But first due to Sheikh Hasina's arrogant words and stubbornness, and then due to the violent attack on the innocent students by her party and the state forces, the situation erupted into a burning inferno. On 16 July when Abu Sayeed,  a student of Begum Rokeya University, was martyred, it filled the hearts around the nation with pain and anguish. Sheikh Hasina on one hand spoke about dialogue, but continued the cruel assault on the students and the people. Up until yesterday, even the most conservative assessment puts the number of deaths at over 400. Around 12000 have been imprisoned. Around 800 cases have been filed, most of which are cases en masse.

Opposition parties and voices were viciously silenced, state institutions were made subservient, media freedom was choked. Over 600 persons were victims of enforced disappearance, 170 of whom remain missing down till today

In the backdrop of this extreme repression, the general people, the children, the youth, teachers, lawyers, parents, women, artistes, workers and professionals all over the country surged forward to join hands with the students. Innumerable persons of the Awami or BNP ilk, right wing, left wing, everyone stood shoulder to shoulder with the people. The country was awash with an unprecedented mass uprising. The nine-point anti-quota movement of the students became a one-point movement for Sheikh Hasina’s resignation.

This premise of the one-point demand was not a matter of these 36 days alone. The roots lay at the 15 years of Sheikh Hasina’s suffocating autocratic rule. Ever since coming to state power through the 2009 election, Sheikh Hasina took control of the election system and established her autocratic rule.

She rendered her rule sterner and sterner. During her rule, the opposition parties and voices were viciously silenced, state institutions were made subservient, media freedom was choked. Over 600 persons were victims of enforced disappearance, 170 of whom remain missing down till today. Innumerable political activists had been arrested in mass cases or were living in insufferable circumstances. The economy was collapsing under corruption, nepotism, bank looting and massive money laundering. People were gasping for survival under the flagging economy. This mass uprising was an outburst of that accumulated anger, the inevitable consequence of which was the end to the last 15 years of Sheikh Hasina’s misrule.

In this movement we witnessed the rise of a new student power. We hail the astuteness, the courage and leadership of students that rendered this movement a success. We also hail the manner in which the people accelerated the movement with fearless hearts. The nation remains forever indebted to those who sacrificed their lives to give rise to a new age. We bow our in sorrow for them and raise our heads in pride. We remain witness to this extraordinary time in the history of Bangladesh.

The people went through a test of fire bathed in blood to smash this weighty burden of misrule. The time for destruction is over and now is the time for building. The students and the people have achieved victory by toppling the corruption-ridden autocracy of Sheikh Hasina. The politics of vengeance that had gripped the throats of the people, has now come to an end.

We are seeing vengeful incidents all over the country including the capital. There have been attacks on the minority community. Such incidents are extremely unfortunate after such a successful mass movement. In his speech yesterday, the chief of army called for an end to violence, destruction and anarchy. We also extend the same appeal. After toppling a vengeful government, any further attacks, arson, destruction or deaths cannot be warranted.

People of all race, religion and parties today are standing on the same free ground breathing the fresh air. We are all bathed in new rays of the sun. We will all remain restrained and ensure that everyone is part of these new democratic times.

Ever since independence we have seen one-party governments, military dictatorship, elected dictatorship and autocracy. This time we want to achieve a proper democratic state through the participation of the people and through fair elections

Various mass uprisings since independence have taken people’s dreams up till the sky. But within a short span of time, those dreams have been broken too. Every country has smashed the sacred covenant between the state and the citizens. To ensure the success of the fresh promise brought forward by this movement, there must be a juxtaposition of experience and youth. The way ahead must be devised through dialogue between representatives of the wise and experienced civil society and the new student force. Ever since independence we have seen one-party governments, military dictatorship, elected dictatorship and autocracy. This time we want to achieve a proper democratic state through the participation of the people and through fair elections.

Rabindranath Tagore wrote, “Tomar potaka jarey dau, tarey bohibar dau shokti” (To whom you give your flag, also give the strength to bear it.) We now bear the flag of a successful movement in our hands. We must be able to carry it well and forge ahead.