Rajshahi city AL organised a press briefing at Kumarpara in Rajshahi 1 July
Rajshahi city AL organised a press briefing at Kumarpara in Rajshahi 1 July

Rajshahi city AL won’t hold any further programme against Shahriar Alam

Rajshahi city Awami League has decided not to throw any programme against Rajshahi-6 lawmaker Shahriar Alam.

The party’s city unit urged all not to hold any programme without permission of the party.

The leaders of Rajshahi city AL leaders said the prime minister Sheikh Hasina has asked them to calm down and assured them of dealing with their grievances.

The ruling party leaders disclosed this at a press briefing at the city AL’s office at Kumarpara in Rajshahi today, Monday. City AL’s organising secretary Aslam Sarker read out a written statement. Rajshahi city AL president freedom fighter Mohammad Ali Kamla, vice president Tobibur Rahman Sheikh and joint secretary Mostaq Hossain, among others, were present at the press briefing.

On Thursday, lawmaker and former state minister Shahriar Alam threatened to sue AL’s presidium member and Rajshahi city mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton as ‘instigator’ of the murder of Ashraful Islam.

Two groups of Rajshahi AL have been at loggerheads centering the murder of Bagha upazila’s general secretary Ashraful Islam (Babul).

Two groups of upazila AL locked into a clash on 22 June over forming a committee of Dalil Lekhok Samity (deed writers' association). At one point of the clash, critically injured Ashraful Islam was rescued from the upazila premises. He later died while undergoing treatment on Wednesday.

On Thursday, lawmaker and former state minister Shahriar Alam threatened to sue AL’s presidium member and Rajshahi city mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton as ‘instigator’ of the murder of Ashraful Islam. Liton denied the allegation and brought a counter allegation against Shariar Alam.

In today’s press conference, the AL leaders said Liton had a very close political connection with slain Babul and the mayor kept a constant update of Babul’s health when he was admitted to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital.

We believe Awami League president and prime minister Sheikh Hasina will take action against Shahriar Alam and co
Aslam Sarker, Rajshahi city AL’s organising secretary

“A case was filed in the police station after Babul was injured. But Shahriar Alam, who has been conspiring to destroy the Awami League, made an announcement to file a new murder case against Khairuzzaman Liton and others. This announcement of Shahriar Alam has created severe discontent among all leaders of Awami League and people,” reads the statement.

They alleged that Shahriar Alam has taken a stance against the party’s ethics, principle and internal discipline.

“We believe Awami League president and prime minister Sheikh Hasina will take action against Shahriar Alam and co,” the statement added.