Govt to launch Bangabandhu peace medal, draft policy gets a nod

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presides over the cabinet meetingPID

The government has decided to launch a peace award in the name of Bangladesh’s founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Individuals or institutions of national or international level will receive this medal named “Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Peace Medal” for their contributions in several fields for establishing peace.

This medal will be awarded every two years, with each time it will be awarded mainly to a person or an institution.

The cabinet has given approval to the draft of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Peace Medal Policy, 2024 for awarding this medal. According to the policy, the monetary value of this medal will be US $100,000. Besides, an 18 carat gold medal, weighing 50 grams, and a certificate will also be given to the recipient of the award.

The policy was approved in the cabinet meeting held at the Prime Minister’s Office on Monday morning.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presided over the meeting. Later in the afternoon, cabinet secretary Mahbub Hossain announced the decision of the meeting in a press conference at the secretariat.

The cabinet secretary said that the activities of awarding medals will start this year.

He hoped that the medal would be awarded from next year.

According to the policy the cabinet approved, the name of the person or organisation nominated for this medal will be announced on 17 March every year, on the occasion of the birthday of the Father of the Nation and the National Children’s Day. The award will be given on or around 23 May, the day Bangabandhu received the Joliot-Curie Medal.

The cabinet secretary further said that now the work will be started with the policy. However, the cabinet has suggested that a law be made in this regard and constitute a fund under the Act. The government or anyone from outside could donate to the fund. Later, the cost of the medal will be borne from the donated money. But until that happens, the government will bear this cost.

Who can propose names for the medal, and how the jury will be formed - are set out in the policy. However, no person can propose own name, said the cabinet secretary.