Bangladesh on Australian monuments

This bridge is to be illuminated in the colours of Bangladesh's national flag

Bangladesh celebrates 50 years of its independence on 26 March 2021. To commemorate Bangladesh’s golden jubilee and in memory of the martyred men and women of the independence struggle, the state government of Brisbane is arranging a special event on 22 March. In the event, ‘Light up Brisbane’, two of Brisbane’s iconic monuments – Story Bridge and Victoria Bridge – will be illuminated in the colours of the Bangladesh national flag, green and red.

The Bangladesh Association in Brisbane (BAB) has arranged this event for the first time, with the help of the Brisbane City Council. The event is being coordinated by Jishu Dashgupta (MLC Movement International, Brisbane chapter lead), Munir Rahman (president, BAB), Md Masud Iftekharul Alam (vice president, BAB) and other executive members of the association.

In the event, ‘Light up Brisbane’, two of Brisbane’s iconic monuments – Story Bridge and Victoria Bridge – will be illuminated in the colours of the Bangladesh national flag

Speaking about the event, Jishu Dashgupta said, “It is an exciting moment for all Bangladeshis to be able to project our national flag. This is an important moment for us and for the generations to come.”

BAB will also officially hand over Bangladesh’s national flag to the Brisbane Council. The Bangladesh national flag will be hoisted in the early hours 26 March at the Brisbane City Hall.

Kicking off the golden jubilee celebrations, the BAB Independence Cup Tape Tennis Cricket Tournament was held on 13 March, joined by members of the Bangladeshi community in Brisbane. A cultural show was held on 20 March at the Queen Street Mall stage, to highlight Bangladesh culture and history.