Protesters block Dhaka street demanding end to repression of minorities

Members of Hindu communities block the Shahbagh intersection in Dhaka on 13 September 2024 to press home an 8-point demand including an end to repression on minoritiesProthom Alo

Members of Hindu communities blocked the Shahbagh intersection in Dhaka on Friday afternoon pressing an eight-point demand including an end to repression of minorities.

The blockade, enforced around 4:30 pm under the banner of Sanatani Odhikar Andolon, a platform of various organisations of the Hindu community, stopped vehicular movement, causing traffic jam in the area.

Members of law enforcement agencies were also present in the area.

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As the minority communities came under attacks at various places of the country after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government on 5 August, they organised protests and pressed an eight-point demand.

Later they suspended the demonstration upon the assurance of chief adviser and other advisers. Since their demand went unmet, they resumed their protest on Friday.

Their eight demands include conducting trial of the incidents of attacks on minority after the fall of the government through speedy tribunal; compensating and rehabilitating victims of communal violence; formulating minority protection law; setting up a ministry for minority affairs; transforming Hindu Religion Welfare Trust to Hindu Foundation; transforming Buddhist and Christian Religion Welfare Trust to a foundation; recovering of endowed properties and formulating endowed property protection law; enforcing vested property law properly, and five-day holiday in Durga puja.