Cultivating mental health resilience essential in combating cyber bullying

Guests at the launching event of 'Strengthening Mental Health Resilience against Cyber Bullying and Online Harms' campaign.

Recognising the imperative role of mental health resilience in the fight against cyber bullying, a nationwide initiative that has been launched by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with the ICT Division and ‘Moner Bondhu’ to underscore its urgency.

Titled 'Strengthening Mental Health Resilience against Cyber Bullying and Online Harms,' this campaign aims to raise awareness and empower individuals, particularly women, to fortify their mental well-being in the face of online adversities, stated a press release.

As Bangladesh grapples with the challenges of the digital age, the campaign acknowledges the dual nature of online connectivity – presenting unprecedented opportunities while amplifying the threat of cyber bullying.

The initiative comes in response to a pressing need, with women frequently becoming targets and experiencing ripple effects on families and communities. Recent studies, such as the one conducted by the Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID), reveal an alarming 80 per cent victim rate among girls and women on social media.

State minister of the ICT Division, Zunaid Ahmed Palak lauded the initiative, emphasising the pivotal role of cultivating mental resilience amidst digital progress. He said, “With digital advancement comes its challenges.”

“Cultivating mental resilience against cyber bullying is more than a campaign; it's a pivotal stride in ensuring our nation's mental health parallels our digital progression,” he added.

“Enhancing mental resilience is an important step towards a safer and more inclusive digital environment for all, where individuals can thrive without fear,” noted Stefan Liller, UNDP Resident Representative in Bangladesh.

“Together, we can build a Bangladesh where online spaces are free from the shadows of cyber bullying and harassment, and mental well-being is protected,” Liller continued.

This nationwide campaign operates in collaboration with various partners, including Women Peace Cafés at educational institutions, experts from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Department of Psychology at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC), Centre for Peace and Justice (CPJ) of BRAC University, Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) Unit of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), CBM Global Disability Inclusion, World Health Organization (WHO), and UN Women as advisory panel members, under UNDP’s ‘Partnerships for a More Tolerant, Inclusive Bangladesh (PTIB)’ project.

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