RMG workers block Dhaka-Mymensingh highway demanding arrears in Tongi

Workers of an apparel factory block the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway in the Kha Para area of Tongi in Gazipur on 17 September 2024 demanding the payment of their arrears.Prothom Alo

Workers of apparel factory Seasons Dresses Limited blocked the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway in the Khaa Para area of Tongi in Gazipur on Tuesday and staged demonstrations demanding the payment of their arrears.

Currently, 1,600 workers are employed at the Seasons Dresses Limited.

Sources said workers have been demanding payment of arrears for the past week since the wages have remained unpaid for June, July and August, leading to worker unrest.

On Tuesday morning, workers began demonstrating in front of the factory and later blocked the highway in front of the Asia Filling Station in the Kha Para, bringing the vehicular movement to a halt.

Speaking to Prothom Alo, Tongi west police station inspector (investigation) Zakir Hossain said, “Owners of this factory often delay workers’ wage and such events also happened several times in the past. Workers took to streets in the morning demanding payment of arrears for three months."

"We have tried to convince the workers, but they said they would not leave the streets unless they receive assurance on payment. Besides, the protest stopped vehicular movement, causing miseries to people," the police official added.

“Workers’ wage remains unpaid for two months – July and August, not three months. I told the workers that half of the arrears for July will be paid on 15 September, but we could not do so due to bank-related problems over money withdrawal," said factory owner Bahauddin Chowdhury Baker.

"I have tried to convince them, but they did not listen to me and started demonstration. I think a party is instigating the workers’ protest," he added.