Female RMG worker dies in clash with police

Readymade garments workers demonstrate seeking a pay rise in Gazipur on 2 November, 2023
File photo

A female readymade garment worker died on Wednesday morning in a clash between police and the apparel factory workers who have been demonstrating for two weeks seeking a rise of minimum wages to Tk 23,000.

Anjuara Khatun, 30, wife of Jamal Hossain from Char Natipara in Kazipur upazila of Sirajganj succumbed to her injuries on the way to Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

She used to work as a sewing machine operator at Islam Garments in Konabari, Gazipur.

AKM Ashraf Uddin, officer-in-charge of Konabari police station of Gazipur Metropolitan Police, confirmed the death of Anjuara to Prothom Alo at around 11:30 am.

According to police, locals and workers sources, RMG workers started demonstrating in various area of Gazipur city including Konabari, and Jaroon areas after 9:00 am to press home their demand.

Konabari police station OC AKM Ashraf Uddin said workers blocked the regional roads, set fire on the streets and attempted vandalism. Later police fired teargas canisters and flash bangs in a bid to control the situation, he added.

Protesting workers also retaliated with hurling brick chips at police. Later, police brought the situation under control.

According to police, at least 10 people sustained injuries during the clashes

The injured were admitted to local clinics and Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College Hospital in Gazipur.

Force from industry police, local police stations and Border Guard Bangladesh remained deployed to keep the situation normal.