Bangladesh's trajectory matters for stability of this part of the world: French ambassador

French ambassador to Bangladesh Marie Masdupuy speaks at a reception, celebrating the French National Day at the Embassy.UNB

French ambassador to Bangladesh Marie Masdupuy on Thursday said France’s eagerness to enhance its relationship with Bangladesh is backed by the assumption that Bangladesh matters, that the fate and trajectory of the country do matter for the stability of this part of the world, at the heart of the Indo-Pacific region.

“Many experts and journalists want to think it’s all for purely commercial reasons, and are eager to mention so-called ‘Airbus deals’ and other equivalent trade perspectives. Of course, they are wrong - and biased by our competitors (laughing),” she said while speaking at a reception, celebrating the French National Day at the Embassy.

The ambassador said she was asked many times in the last months why would France wants to develop a strategic partnership with a country like Bangladesh, whereas it already has strong strategic partners in the region.

Law minister Anisul Huq spoke at the reception, highlighting the historic ties between the two countries and diverse areas of cooperation.

The envoy said France’s vision for a "Third Way" in the Indo-Pacific is based on respecting sovereignty and strategic autonomy of their partners. "Hence, our eagerness to support Bangladesh in acquiring its strategic autonomy as President Macron recalled it in his congratulation letter to PM last January," she said.

"But it’s a fact that our current world continues to be the theatre of unwelcomed developments. It can be very depressing by times. The increasing number of conflict zones, the rise of populism and illiberalism, all this goes also hand in hand with the surge in disinformation," said the French ambassador.

The ambassador said they are resilient and they do share a common will to freshen up and reinvent the core values of democracy. The values of liberty, equality and fraternity were not invented by the French Revolution, but were brought together at that time as a mobilising motto, said ambassador Masdupuy.

She said these three words are today an integral part of their national heritage. "On that day, every year, we celebrate the unity of our Nation in promoting the respect of those fundamental values of which we are proud. They symbolise France all around the world and constitute the DNA of the French Republic."

The French envoy said the whole world today continues to suffer from the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. France, with its allies all across the planet, continues to support the Ukrainian people and will continue to do so, whatever it takes, until Ukraine wins this war.

 Sadly, she said, another troubled region has been witnessing a horrendous conflict situation, even though it was never really in peace in the previous 80 years.

"Our thoughts are of course with the sufferings of the Palestinian people, victim of the worse elements within their population (Hamas) and of the folly of a warmongering Israeli current leader," said ambassador Masdupuy

She said France has been advocating for the respect of international humanitarian law and for the imposition of a real cease-fire, only condition for peace talks to resume and result in the advent of an internationally recognised Palestinian State, peacefully coexisting with the State of Israel.

"Those conflict situations make it more difficult for all of us to efficiently craft solutions for damaged global goods, such as climate and the wealth of human beings," said the envoy.

To fight against the impacts of climate change, France will continue to support ambitious goals and will strive to convince those countries and interest groups who didn’t yet admit there is no Planet B, said the French envoy.

"With Bangladesh, we will adopt shortly an Adaptation Pact, a tribute to your country’s pioneering role in crafting locally led adaptation solutions,' she said.

The envoy expressed her special thanks for that to Environment Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury, as well as to the active members of the civil society who will be an integral part implementing the Pact.

"And of course, allow me to seize this occasion to pay a special tribute to late Professor Saleemul Huq, without whom the concept of the Pact might not have been invented," said. Ambassador Masdupuy.

In June next year, France will host a UN Ocean Conference, in Nice.

"I look forward to the active participation of Bangladesh in it, to join hands for the conservation of the oceans. The depth of our relation is also a tribute to the impressive and successful efforts displayed by Bangladesh to build a resilient economy," said the envoy.

She said they are pleased to see the growing interest of our companies in participating in this development path --- for instance in the ICT sector to support the initiatives taken by GoB and HSM Palak, who recently went to France for a fruitful official visit.

The recent kick-off of France Bangladesh Business Club will support this renewed bond, which could already be witnessed with the very successful joint Trade and Investment Summit held in France last October.

About culture, she said, their cultural relation is growing by day. "Our support to artists, on both sides, will be enhanced by a new scheme of residencies."

Alliance Française in Dhaka will celebrate its 65th anniversary next October.

"We are actively preparing the launch in France of cultural events focused on Bangladesh to start in the Spring of 2025," said ambassador Masdupuy.

Before concluding, the envoy underlined the values entrenched in Olympism.

"France is proud to host what is going to be the most iconic Olympic Games ever. This has led us, here in Bangladesh, to discover your athletes and the importance of sports in building a more resilient, peaceful and modern society," said ambassador Masdupuy.

She invited all to watch a beautiful video on the giant LED screen in the garden. It combined official Olympic videos and a locally made video showcasing some of the Bangladeshi athletes who will compete soon in France.

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