Patuakhali UP chairman suspended over marrying underage girl

Map of Patuakhali

A case was filed against Kanakdia union UP chairman Shahin Hawlader and five others at Patuakhali Senior Judicial Magistrate Court on Monday for forcefully marrying an underage girl during arbitration.

The case was filed by the elder brother of the girl’s boyfriend, Al Imran Shakil.

The Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) was directed to investigate and submit a report within the next 30 days by the Patuakhali court.

After the case was filed, the concerned ministry suspended the UP chairman for abusing his power, said Lawyer Md. Al Amin.

On Friday UP chairman Shahin forcefully married the girl while her family called for arbitration over the girl eloping with her boyfriend.

After the incident her boyfriend tried to commit suicide and was admitted to a local hospital.

The High Court on Sunday asked the district registrar, DC and police superintendent of Patuakhali to investigate the allegation of forcefully marrying a eighth grade girl during arbitration.