Regular security forces must be effective alongside auxiliary force

EditorialProthom Alo illustration

Questions have been raised regarding the effectiveness and justification of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) decision to recruit an auxiliary force to tackle the deteriorating of the law and order situation.

DMP commissioner Sheikh Md. Sajjat Ali has stated that the process of recruiting 500 personnel to assist the police is underway. In accordance with the law, these personnel will exercise the same authority and perform the same duties as regular police officers. Furthermore, they will receive the same legal protection as police officials.

Before deploying an additional force, it is essential to question the extent to which the existing law enforcement agencies are fulfilling their responsibilities. Currently, joint force operations are being conducted in the country. Alongside the police, members of RAB, BGB, Ansar and the armed forces are engaged in ensuring public safety. Despite this, why has the law and order situation remained so fragile?

The police have stated that individuals currently employed in private organisations will be recruited for the auxiliary force. Although they will receive training, they will not be permitted to use firearms.

Former inspector general of police Mohammad Nurul Huda told BBC Bangla, “The term ‘auxiliary force’ does not refer to a full-fledged force but rather a semi-government force. The use of such a force to assist the police is already stipulated in police law.” He further noted that this system exists in many countries, including the United Kingdom, where additional forces are deployed in special circumstances.

According to the Metropolitan Police Ordinance 1976, the DMP Commissioner has the authority to appoint any individual as an auxiliary police officer if deemed necessary. However, there is no recent precedent for such appointments in Bangladesh. Consequently, the effectiveness of this initiative remains uncertain. Furthermore, the process by which individuals will be recruited and the criteria for their selection as auxiliary force members remain significant concerns.

The key point is that the number of personnel proposed for recruitment into that auxiliary force is extremely insufficient in proportion to the actual need. According to 2024 statistics, the population of Dhaka city exceeds 23.2 million, while the total manpower of the DMP stands at only 34,000. The addition of 500 members will, in practical terms, have little to no impact. This number is inadequate even for guarding the numerous shopping malls and markets across Dhaka.

The DMP Commissioner has mentioned increasing patrols in various locations. However, at the same time, he has advised residents to take personal responsibility for safeguarding their valuables when travelling to their hometowns during Eid. Previous DMP Commissioners under the Awami League government also provided similar recommendations. Thus, no significant change in approach is noticeable in this regard.

Therefore, it is essential to consider how effective the recruitment of an additional force will be if it is merely a symbolic measure or an attempt to increase numbers. A significant factor behind the sudden decrease of the situation of law and order is mob violence. However, the DMP’s response in this regard has been notably inadequate. If they had been more proactive, certain individuals would not have been able to strike in police stations to free criminals.

Crimes such as mugging, robbery, extortion, sexual harassment and mob violence have increased significantly across Dhaka. With the upcoming Eid, there is growing concern that such crimes may escalate further. In this situation, ensuring the security of citizens must be an absolute priority. However, no measures should be taken that could create new complications or raise further questions.