Why do the political parties have no sense of repentance?

Facebook is inundated with disinformation. Many of those posting such content are either underground or use fake IDs to spread rumours. Added to this are offensive comments, abusive language and trolling. All this reflects the upbringing of these people. That is a general observation about Facebook.

I follow some of the posts, but then when I see the names of some, I know I will not be able to digest their content. I simply avoid all that. Among all this, some positive and striking posts catch the eye.

I was reading a friend’s Facebook post recently, about a conversation between Maulana Rumi and a pheasant. The bird gave Rumi three pieces of advice. The last piece of advice was, “Do not give advice to everyone. Only give advice to those who will listen and will remember. Remember, some clothes are so tattered, they cannot be repaired.”

There's a saying in Bangla, you can’t wash the dirt off coal. Our “diniyat” sir in school would often recite such advice and tell us to rectify ourselves.

When I was reading about the pheasant's words, I don't know why the face of certain politicians and political parties of our country came to mind. I have been seeing many of them for many years. I have seen some of them since their induction into politics. Since then much has changed in this world, so many things have turned around, even the mindsets of our people here have changed, but these politicians have not changed an iota. They have the same thinking, the same words and the same old rhetoric.

What sort of country do we live in! What leaders! The country is teeming with servile party minions, lauding the living leaders, worshiping the dead ones, scurrying to their graves at the drop of a hat.

How easily people can move away from their own words! We see that among our important politicians. This hardly needs any research. Let me offer a few examples here.

On 7 March 1971, Bangladesh’s most popular leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said, “I do not want the office of prime minister. I want the rights of the people of Bengal.” Later he became prime minister. He became president. He banned all parties and formed one party, BKSAL, of which he held all power. He left no scope for changing leaders through any election. He himself created the grounds for a violent coup.

I recall on 1 May 1976, General Ziaur Rahman was addressing a May Day event at Suhrawardy Udyan in full combat dress. He said, “I am not a politician. I am a soldier. I will return to the barracks.” He did not return to the barracks. While still in service of the armed forces, he held an election and became president. He created a party called BNP. Then he created a 76 member committee, making himself the convener.

It was 1986 and the self-proclaimed president Hussain Muhammad Ershad announced the schedule for the parliamentary polls. Under the leadership of Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina, a robust five-point anti-Ershad movement was in full-swing. Both of them said that the elections must be held under a neutral caretaker government.

On 1 March Sheikh Hasina addressed a public meeting at Laldighi Maidan in Chattogram, menacingly warning that anyone who sidestepped the five points and took part in the staged election of Ershad, would be considered a national traitor. Then on 22 March she made a 180 degree turn and decided to join the election.

During the anti-Ershad movement, both Khaleda and Hasina had pledged to do so many things if Ershad was toppled from power. Some of these things included abolition of all “black” laws, ensuring press freedom, autonomy for the radio and television, and separation of the judiciary from the executive. They took turns in running the country from 1991. They carried out a lot of development work. They constructed many roads, bridges and buildings. But they did not get the time to carry out these tasks as pledged.

So much was said about television. In Ershad's time it was sardonically called the “shaheb-bibi-golam” box. In Khaleda Zia's time it was called “bibi-golam” box. In Hasina's time it was called “bajaner box”. Television never gained autonomy. Who would let up a chance to use this propaganda machine for free, funded with taxpayers’ money?

Sheikh Hasina would often lament that she had lost everything and had no more to gain or lose. She had no demands. Yet in reality, she couldn't even resist the lure of a mere 10 kathas of land! How much does a person need!

After using her flunkeys to stage three farcical elections, she became “daughter of democracy”. Her sycophants called her “desh ratna”, the jewel of the land. Poet and writer Syed Shamsul Haque, speaking at a gathering on Dhaka University grounds, went as far as to declare, “You must now all address her ad ‘desh ratna’.” The popular singer Mumtaz even came up with a song in her honour.

What sort of country do we live in! What leaders! The country is teeming with servile party minions, lauding the living leaders, worshiping the dead ones, scurrying to their graves at the drop of a hat.

Back to the pheasant's advice. This is metaphorically still applicable to our politics today. The political parties do not want to listen to anyone outside of their leaders, their leaders' families and cronies. Each party is a syndicate and people follow them blindly, like sheep. They are ostensibly desperate to serve the people.

For the past 53 years they have simply doled out flowery speeches. Till date, no one has said we made mistakes. Since they don’t admit the error of their ways, the question of repentance does not arise.

Everyone talks about the extensive politicisation at all levels in society. We want to be freed of this. We want an efficient administration. The pledges made in this regard by the parties are all mere eyewash. Why else would they create party forums with physicians, engineers and agriculturalists in public service? Why would the officers be so politicised? It was all about self-interests.

There are so many complaints against the police. Yet the police department had demanded that a police commission be formed. The political governments did not acquiesce. They used the police force as their goons. The same police that beat Nasim and Matia, also beat Khoka and Zainul. They don't even learn from that.

Special circumstances prevail in the country at the moment. Some parties are desperate for the election to be held. There is talk of state reforms. Some say it is the elected government which will carry out the reforms. Can they be trusted?

The country has really entered a digital age. No matter what attempts are made to cover up things, past information is just a click away. It is not hard to find out who said what, and when. Such audios and videos often pop up on Facebook.

Some question the words of the chief adviser. Questions have been raised about the competence of the advisers. Some even have suspicions about the “motive” of the interim government. The talk shows are rife with questions about what the interim government wants, and what the “game” of the consensus commission is all about. I have no headaches about all this. I just want that we don’t have “Ram Rajatya” (rule of Rama) or a Khilafat. India, Pakistan and Iran are not my models.

I want an advanced scientific-minded society, a creative society. We must run on par with Europe, North America, East Asia. We must build a society that creates efficient, hard-working and creative citizens. It must not create party slaves, cheaters, embezzlers or ignorant mobs.  

* Mohiuddin Ahmad is a writer and researcher

* This column appeared in the print and online edition of Prothom Alo and has been rewritten for the English edition by Ayesha Kabir

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