In pictures: Police storm UCLA protest encampment

Hundreds of helmeted police muscled their way into a central plaza of the University of California at Los Angeles early on Thursday, 2 May 2024 to dismantle a pro-Palestinian protest camp attacked the previous night by pro-Israel supporters.

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Law enforcement officers detain a protester at UCLA, 2 May.
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A law enforcement officer holds a weapon as protesters supporting Palestinians in Gaza gather at an encampment at UCLA, 2 May.
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Signs in support of Palestinians in Gaza are set up along with reinforcements to block the doorway of a building at an encampment after protesters were asked to leave by UCLA campus police, 2 May.
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Law enforcement officers detain a demonstrator, as they clear out the protest encampment in support of Palestinians at UCLA, 2 May.
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A demonstrator aims a fire extinguisher towards law enforcement officials as they try to enter the protest encampment in support of Palestinians at UCLA, 2 May.
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Law enforcement officers detain a protester at UCLA, 2 May.
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A law enforcement officer uses a phone as a protester is detained at UCLA, 2 May.
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Law enforcement officers stand in front of demonstrators, amid fire extinguisher gas, during a pro-Palestinian protest at an encampment at UCLA, 2 May.
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Law enforcement officials operate inside the protest encampment in support of Palestinians at UCLA, 2 May.
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Law enforcement officers stand guard during a protest at an encampment in support of Palestinians at UCLA, 2 May.