51 pc youth not interested in politics

51 pc youth not interested in politics. Photo: Abdus Salam
51 pc youth not interested in politics. Photo: Abdus Salam

Most of the country’s young generation, who are chiefly students, are not interested in politics.

Recently a survey was carried out on the country's youths to know about their views about politics and as many as 51.2 per cent of them directly said they had no interest in political affairs.

Among this 51.2 per cent, 27 percent said they disliked politics while the rest 24 per cent said they were indifferent.

On the other hand, 40.6 per cent young people think about politics, but they are not actively involved. This section consists of 24.3 per cent who support a political party but are not directly involved with them and 16.3 per cent who are politically conscious but do not support any political party.

As per the survey, only 7.4 per cent of the country’s young people are interested in politics. Majority of them are from the villages. However, most of the young people involved with politics have completed their studies.

The number of young woman is surprisingly low. Only 1.2 per cent girls taking part in the survey mentioned their direct involvement in political affairs, whereas 13 per cent of the young men are directly involved with politics.

Most of the young people involved with politics are aged between 25 and 30.

Region-Based Position

The number of young men, who are not directly involved in politics but supports a political party, is higher in Rangpur division, followed by Barisal division.

In this aspect, Mymensingh finishes last.

Sylhet has the highest number of young people who do not think about politics, whereas Rangpur has the lowest.

Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions have the highest number of young people who dislike politics. Meanwhile, Sylhet has the lowest.

Professionals about politics

According to the survey, 35.6 per cent government employees, 39.2 per cent skilled labourers, almost 32 per cent private sector employees, 36 per cent businessmen, and only 16.7 per cent housewives have interest in politics. However, none of them are directly involved with political activities.

Youths who do not think about politics at all are dominated by private job holders (19.5 per cent), followed by youths in the business sector (19 per cent). Around 16.4 per cent farmers and 16 per cent skilled labourers have the same thinking.

According to the survey, 36.6 per cent farmers and 30.7 per cent housewives dislike being involved in politics.

Politics/ Security

Young men/women who dislike being involved in politics -- 26.9 per cent

Young men/ women who are concerned about their security 51.6 per cent