HSC, equivalent exams begin tomorrow

Candidates taking HSC exams
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The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations of 2024 are going to start tomorrow, 30 June, across the country.

The education boards published the routine for the exams on 2 April.

The HSC exams will start with Bangla (compulsory) on 30 June and the written exams will continue till 11 August followed by practical exams. The written exams will be held for three hours.


The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) examination will be taken first and Creative Question (CQ) later. A total of 30 minutes will be allotted for the 30-mark MCQ test and two and half hours for 70-mark CQ test.

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For the subjects with marks in practical exams, 25 minutes will be allotted for the 25-number MCQ test and 2 hours 35 minutes will be for the 50-mark CQ test. There will be no interval between MCQ and CQ tests.

According to the directives published by the education boards, all examinees have to enter the exam centers 30 minutes before the examinations start.

The exam will be taken as per revised syllabus.

According to the directives published by the education boards, all examinees have to enter the exam centers 30 minutes before the examinations start.

The examinees have been asked to collect their admit cards from their educational institutes.

Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside the exam centres, except for the in-charges, who are allowed to carry a mobile phone.