Business establishments, houses torched after clash in Dighinala

A clash broke out between Bangalees and indigenous people in Dighinala upazila in Khagrachhari today, Thursday.

The clash broke out at Larma Square area in the upazila around 5:00pm. At one point of the clash, houses and business establishments of indigenous people were allegedly set on fire.

Locals and police sources said a person named Mohammad Mamun, 30, was beaten on allegation that he stole a motorbike on Wednesday morning at Noapara area in Khagrachhari town.

Mamun, son of Nur Nobi of Khagrachhari Sadar’s Shalbon Moddhyapara area, breathed his last after being taken to Sadar Hospital in critical condition.

Protesting Mamun’s death, Banglees held a demonstration at Dighinala around 5:00pm today. Witnesses said around 300 to 400 Bangalees brought out the demonstration from Jamtoli and Boalkhali Bazar and headed towards Larma Square. The clash ensued as indigenous people barred them. At least three have been injured during the clash and around 37 houses and business establishments of indigenous people near Larma Square and Dighinala College were torched.

Boalkhali Bazar area’s Md Lokman Hossain told Prothom Alo that they were holding a peaceful demonstration demanding justice over the killing of Mamun. The clash broke out as the indigenous people barred the demonstration.

However, Ripon Chakma, a resident of the Larma Square area said none intercepted the demonstration. The demonstrators torched the houses and business establishments of indigenous people without any provocation.

Victim Mamun’s uncle Md Nur Hossain told Prothom Alo that he was left with his hand and foot tied at the sluice gate area of Pankhaiya Para.

He was rescued by some local residents and the police and taken to Khagrachhari Sadar Hospital, where the physicians declared him dead. Mamun had injury marks on his head and body.

However, Khagrachhari Sadar police station’s officer in charge Md Abdul Baten Mridha told Prothom Alo that Mamun was injured as he ran into an electric pole while stealing a motorcycle and escaping.

The OC said he doesn't have any knowledge of mob beating.

A chase and counter chase ensued yesterday after the death of Mamun. The law enforcers brought the situation under control later.

Khagrachhari’s deputy commissioner Md Sohiduzzaman told Prothom Alo that a peace meeting was organised at Pankhaiyapara primary school today about the incident that took place Wednesday. He was informed about today’s clash during the meeting.

Law enforcers have been deployed in the spot right now, the DC added.