Cold wave in 2 districts, cold likely to intensify
There was dense fog still lingering in various parts of the country, including the capital in the morning today, Friday. The fog gradually cleared later. The cold had already intensified in different parts of the country on Thursday.
The temperature dropped even further today as a cold wave is sweeping over two districts in the northern parts of the country. The intensity of the cold is severe in the north.
The meteorological department says that the temperature tomorrow may remain more or less the same as today. However, the mercury level will drop lower from this Sunday. These conditions may last until Tuesday. The temperature might increase after that.
The meteorological department said that the lowest temperature across the country for today was recorded in Baghabari of Sirajganj at 9.6° Celsius. Country’s lowest temperature on Thursday was also recorded in Baghabari, at 10.7° Celsius.
That means the lowest temperature has dropped by about 1° Celsius within a single day. Meanwhile, country’s lowest temperature on Wednesday was recorded in Tentulia of Panchagarh, and Srimangal of Moulvibazar, at 11.5° Celsius. Noticeably, the lowest temperature in the country is continuously decreasing.
When asked for how many days this weather may continue, a meteorologist at the meteorological department, Shahnaz Sultana told Prothom Alo today that the temperature may remain almost the same tomorrow.
However, the temperature will start dropping from the day after that. This condition may continue until Tuesday but, the mercury level may increase again after that.
The two districts of the country that are experiencing a mild cold wave today are Sirajganj and Panchagarh. The lowest temperature in Tentulia of Panchagarh today is recorded at 10° Celsius.
When the lowest temperature in an area drops at 8.1° Celsius to 10° Celsius it is considered to be a mild cold wave. Meanwhile, when the lowest temperature drops at 6.1° Celsius to 8° Celsius, it is called a moderate cold wave and the temperature from 4.1° Celsius to 6° Celsius is labeled a severe cold wave. And, a very severe cold wave occurs only when the lowest temperature has dropped below 4° Celsius.
A mild cold wave has been sweeping over today. Is there any possibility of a severe cold wave this time? In response, Shahnaz Sultana said that the possibility is low.
A moderate cold wave swept over only once this month. The intensity of the cold has been relatively low so far. The temperature was 0.7° Celsius higher than usual in December also, she added.
In response to the question, is this the last cold wave of the season, meteorologist Md Bazlur Rashid told Prothom Alo that sometimes there’s cold wave in the first week of February as well.
Once, the lowest temperature during the last week of February was recorded around 2.8° Celsius in Sreemagal. So it cannot be said for sure that this is the last cold wave of the season.
Alike other parts of the country, the mercury level has decreased in the capital as well. The lowest temperature in the city was recorded at 13.4° Celsius today while the lowest temperature yesterday was 13.8° Celsius.